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Shares Find a way to release my angry and make me pease
2019-8-10 19:17
There are many things which cannot make ours happy ,especaily the thing is our goal that we gave up because of thinking it so much difficut.But maybe when you calm down ,you will regret that decision,considering this action is wrong.So,you will feel terrible mood .it seems the sky is grey,and everrt ...
1221 views|2 replies Hot 1
Shares I failed to choose another life.
2019-7-10 19:22
We always have to be faced with different choices since we were borned.At in my view,making a good choice is difficute because we have to think many aspects for dealing with them.this time i lost my last chance to get PHD.One thing that i was considered is that my parents are getting&nbs ...
1146 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares Learning to grow up
2017-3-20 18:16
Days areflying.Ithasnot been updated my blogsince last year.It is a long time for me.What happened in last year will be remembered in my memory because i feel i grow up again even if i had grown up many years ago. I decieded to c ...
1119 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares It is wrong that you see something or hear something frist to make a conclusio
2016-5-9 10:57
Lippmann who was a famous writer in press circle of America and is respected by many reporter in the different nations, publiced a book on 1920s,which was named Public opinion . There was a important theory in this book to descri ...
1168 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares Which is the best choice in three customary holidays?
2016-5-5 23:44
It is a dim memory for me to recall what time anthorities revised the program about the vacationof festival.In my impression, there are many news to report the cluster of people showed in the highway, cities' street and a lot offamous historic and cultural sites ...
1433 views|2 replies Hot 2
Shares How to communicate availably between parents and children?
2016-2-24 10:02
Withkids aregrowing up,there are many barrier appeared between parents and children.In China, there is an old saying: every family has their issue, the parents and their children’s problems exist all the time. It seems that parents and their children can never get al ...
969 views|2 replies Hot 2
Shares Many bad things always happened in the new year.
2016-1-5 18:27
Time isslipping away.ONmatter we would or not,all of us have to company our relatives withthe timeinto a new year.To be honest,goinginto a new year iindeed have sad sinceglorious light shined on theeast of earth. Thinking of n ...
905 views|2 replies Hot 2
Shares Finding happiness.
2015-12-24 17:01
we hope we hava a better health than other people for living a long time.We wish some day we can live with our kids eventually,and we alway want to avoid meeting a disaster,a landslide,a tornado,and so on.In fact,we cannot predict what will happed tomorrow.Som ...
792 views|2 replies Hot 1
Shares I like the busy life.
2015-12-22 15:04
I donot remember i cannot bear having nothing doing.That means i like the busy life.When my father retired because of higher ages,he found out many books ,including math,chemistry and physical,to do the exercises instead of enjoying the relax time.I couldnot understand firstly a ...
838 views|6 replies Hot 3
Shares Weather older children shoud take care of young children or not
2015-12-20 14:21
Forty years ago in China, due to the poor conditions, while parents were too busy to care about the family, other children needed to do a lot of things, including taking care of their younger siblings. Quite differently, nowadays, since the living conditions bec ...
983 views|4 replies Hot 4

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