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Shares a sudden unexpectedly hail
2015-5-7 23:57
Have you seen a hail which is look like an egg? i saw it in my city last night! Fristly it was a light rain.however,it was larger gradually after some minutes.Hail fell the streets,the windoes,the everywhere with a huge wind and a large sound.My daughter was so scard that she asked me to hug her to ...
552 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares failed the recent LD test
2015-5-5 20:35
I spent toughdays last month becauseiwas sweating out theresult of the LD test that will decide my career.but ikonw i have faileditwhen i got my scores.i am very disappointed now and upsetto myself. In fact ,this is my second test, i ...
680 views|7 replies Hot 3
Shares frist writting a blog artical in English on the Dioenglish
2015-5-4 00:22
The time is so late now.i just applied a id for writing my mind in English and like to make friends on this web.I hope i can improve my English skills.
730 views|3 replies Hot 3

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