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2022 new plans

Hot 2483 views. 2021-12-28 17:08

I haven't make any plan for myself for 5 years. These days I found some hot topic about the new year plan. I just want to make some records for me to track later. Personally speaking, The plans is actually inportant though we may not follow it as expected. 
First, I want to keep reading in Ximalaya. I had insisted on for at least one year, Next year I hope I can read more albums. Anyway, we can make progress if we continues. Since  I didn't make any progress in English learning.
Second, I want to learn translating. With few words then I can't express myself in a more natural way but just write and say some simple words. I want to change. So I want to read more english news and original novals or passages so as to achieve new self.
I want to take the catti 2  writing test. Though I 'm not sure if I have the ability, But I will define it as a target to reach.Whether I can past the test. I believe I can make some progress. 
Third . I want to write some diaries here, since reading and learning without writing are odd .
What's more. I will try my best to do a 10 minutes sports everyday . skipping rope ,dancing , running ,jogging or in other way.
Keep fighting for myself in the new year~ I hope I will love the new self better.

Post comment Comment (2 replies)

Reply Dempsey 2021-12-28 20:16
Keep fighting and keep your plans as promises, you will surely make progress!
Reply davidjuyong 2021-12-29 16:49
Hello . Nice to see you here again ! Welcome back!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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