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Reciting new words

Hot 1523 views. 2022-1-24 20:07

I have insisted on learn the new words for 42 days. At first just 5 words each days . But it is two slow for me to recite more words. Now I had set 25 words a day but actually 35 each days. But I still think it is too little. I am not sure if I can achieve 50 words each day since I have many chores and children to look after. But I believe that I can achieve it.
During the process, I found that many news words are not so strange to me. Maybe we are just like the passerbys. We met with each other before, So when I meet them now I can guess their meaning easily but I can use them in writing or speaking.The important jobs I must do now is to meet with them frequently until we are just like the familar friends.
What is more, when we have some aims in heart, even the most boring thing turns out not so uninteresting for us. It urges us to finish the task even achieve more.Maybe life acts in this way we must set some targets which will lead us to some way we desired.

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Reply teadrinking 2022-1-24 22:37
Proper goals will be beneficial since we can do according to our plans. By learning and reviewing words every day, you can master a good vocabulary that helps your reading. On the contrary, by reading, you learn more words. In this way you find it interesting to learn.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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