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We should make more records in the daily work

Hot 1531 views. 2022-4-26 21:34

Yesterday, the factory said that they just received 14 bags of hangtags from us. But we had sent 16 bags to them. I'm not sure if they had forgoten the others in someplace. Since I checked the quatity three times before packaging and sending out. I also remembered how I put them in the carton. But I don't have any evidence to testify I was right. There was nothing I can do just to make up another two to them.
But I also learnt a lesson this time. I must keep records in case of the same thing happened in the future. From yesterday on I will take to photo of anything  I sent out. Actually, I had this habbit in some kind of work. But i didnot record all the work.
So it is very important for us to keep a record in our life and work. One the one hand, it is a good way to protect ourselves and also it is an imortant habit.

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Reply davidjuyong 2022-5-3 08:09
OH.What a pity thing for you!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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