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The mistake at work

418 views. 2022-5-16 22:24

I made a mistake at work. It annoyed me a lot. 
We print the labels. The US client require 1/4 " spcae before and after the barcode. And My boss required 7MM orally. When I reconfirmed with her. She asked to refer to the client's email. So I just follow the clients requirement.
But when the labels finished. She scold me about the mistake. She said that she had said 7mm before. But since we didn't have formal words about her words. So I didn't say anything. Since she is my boss.
I just do as what she required and try to meet her request. On the other hand, I told myself about the lesson. I must confirm exactly by email or have some written words. Meanwhile, I will try my best to give some examples for her reference. It's my fault. But I must learn from it.
Luckily, at last she realized that she made a mistake.
So we had a happy ending. But I learn a lot from it.

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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