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the embarrased situation

377 views. 2022-7-30 00:32

Today there is a woman client coming for buying post-stewed meat and cold dishes with her two little sons. There are about 6 people in our small shop. So it is a little crowded. When a young man,bought some braised meat and 4 bottles of beer. He took about 4 bottles from the fridge and forget to close the fridge. At that time, one of the woman's some help close it at once. But he told his mother loudly that some idot forgot to close the door of the fridge.
His mother told him not speak it again. But the little boy still repeated. The young man was awkward and sky at that time. But he just keep silent and left later soon. Yes, it is really embarrassed at that time. But I think the young man should say sorry for his done-behaviour and thanks for the little boy. Maybe in this way, it can change the awkward situation.

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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