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Hot 2566 views. 2022-11-27 14:58

   I am learning the driving licence these days. I had thought it is not so difficult. But may be I am totally wrong since I failed in subject 2.
I am confident before the test since I did well in the daily practice. But the fact is on the contrary.
It was rainning on my test day. I can not see the front spots clearly. But I behave nomally at first. But finally I still failed since I didn't recongnize the last spot on the ramp. After that, I pay more attention on each spot. Actually I did better than the first time and I did well in every item. But unexpectedly I foget to see the last spot and stop the car. So I failed again.
  I regretted a lot about my carelessness but there is no choice now. Or what I can do is to wait the next chance. After that day I considered a lot about my practising. I didn't receive much practicing since my coach is so busy and he didn't have enough time for my practicing. Secondly, I am a little careless and nervous. Lastly, I should think a lot during the daily practicing.
I wish I can pass the test next time successfully! Good luck to me!

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Reply teadrinking 2022-11-29 22:52
As a beginner learning to drive a car is sometimes not easy, since we were not born to drive, but after training, ultimately, we can drive. I was nervous when I first drove a car and my coach was just sitting next to my seat. Though he was patient, finally he lost his temper since I did not master the skills well. I worried that I could not pass the test, anyhow, with my persistence, I got my driving license with a one-time pass in all subjects. You can pass it with practice. Just believe in yourself. Good luck.
Reply qianwen 2022-12-3 09:59
I have taken the subject 3 in driving test for 3 times. More practice can make you less nervous in the exam. Good luck.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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