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I develop a new career after 16 years in Australia 2020-06-01
After I achieved my first dream- studied overseas, PR was granted and I found a full-time permanent job. Yet, I lost life purpose, m ...
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To be a startup is the best way for us to grow 2020-05-17
I feel a great achievement today. Eventually, I set up MYOB accounts and generate an invoice; now I can enter all the invoices in the system, well do ...
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Why you are well paid still not happy about your job? 2020-04-15
When I coach some clients, they speak good English, at manager level, what they worry about is not the financial thing, it's job satisfacti ...
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I need to change employee mindset to be an awesome entrepreneur 2019-12-08
I didn't realise I have become an entrepreneur, yet I still have an employee mindset. Until today when I had day two P ...
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I've got a voice coach 2019-12-02
Last Thursday, I had a webinar with the number one vocal coach in Los Angeles- Roger Love, who coached Tony Robbins and American celebrities.  ...
(1399) Views|(2) Replies

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sys 2018-4-2 17:03
have you quit your last job and select a new one ?
how brave you are
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