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Do you have the courage to say "No"

1719 views. 2019-11-27 09:30 | dream, passion, English, courage, goals

I used to be a girl timid with low self-esteem; I never put myself on the top of the priority list.


I always regard other people are superior, smarter than me so that I never dared to express myself in front of the others.


That’s for sure, and I always said “Yes, Yes, Yes.”


I tried to be a good girl, a people pleaser, deep down, it’s not me, I wasn’t happy about myself at all.


I wanted to be a person who I am.


Why I let myself down to make other people happy, is that insane?


We are all equal. If someone has a fancy job title with a higher position at the workplace, what the hell to do with me?


I only respect a leader, who truly cares about the staff members, because even we say “No”, the leader understands and tries to figure out the reason why we said “No.”


And the leader encourages us to say “no” because he wants to know the problem and won’t let it happen again.


Therefore, in the workplace, sometimes, say “No” is be responsible for ourselves and the company.

When we are so desperate about the management team, we might say “Ok, ok, whatever.”


Indeed, we are thinking about leaving if there’s a chance because we are not happy about not being true to ourselves.


If the boss and the managers do not feel comfortable about we say “No” because of the excellent suggestions we give, do you reckon is this the environment we should stay forever?


Likewise, in personal life, we should learn how to obtain the courage to say “No.”


Take myself, for example, recently, I add some people to my personal Wechat account, I welcome they join me after I ask “Would you like to have my six free sessions to help you discover your passion and live your dream?”


One day, two days and three days passed, there’s no reply.


However, I am very impressed by the message,” Sorry, I just want to add you as a friend.”


That’s perfectly fine; he gives me the purpose and saves my time.


On the other hand, when there’s no reply, that provides a lot of meaning, “I am busy, I don’t care about your free sessions, no, I am not interested, maybe when I need one day.” Plus someone might don’t notice my message at all.


I am not sure why they add me if they have so many reasons for not replying.


In addition, someone after finishing six sessions with me, I offer them paid courses, they keep silent, there’s no answer at all.


Do they need to master the skill to say “No.”?


If someone doesn’t notice the message without replying, that’s ok.


I also got that issue; I used to provide my email address: on Wecaht subscription, as I didn’t receive emails often, after a while, I completely forgot to check, anyway, they can send message to my Wechat if it is urgent.


Until one day, I opened up the email address; I found a letter from a follower, I felt so sorry and replied to the email immediately.


That might be a good reason if the emails go to the junk mailbox, then I don’t have to reply, I won’t feel guilty.


Most of the time, after I receive texting messages from a friend, I reply straight away, “Yes or no.”


If I ignore someone on purpose, that will be an issue for myself later on, as there’s a meaning and it will carry on.


It only needs one second to reply “No.” which means you respect yourself and the others.


That’s a waste of time to let people guess why you are not replying, sometimes it causes anxiety and stress to the people who care you.


If you ignore a person who is trying to add value to you, how do you feel? Will you expect the others to treat you the same way one day when you try to run a successful business?


It needs the courage to say “No.” we all need to master the skill as it will build up a trustworthy relationship.


We are learning, we all want to become a better version with a pleasant manner, polite and kind.


Please say “No” than no reply to someone who cares about you.

Please join my personal wechat A/C: sweetolive2016

I offer six free sessions to help you discover your passion and live your dream.

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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