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What Is Superhero

Hot 4741 views. 2018-5-14 17:28

This Friday, I appreciated a film, Avengers: Infinity War. It took me several hours to calm down when I had fulfilled watching this film. In the course of a series of superhero films, I seem to be accustomed to superhero's winning as if it's palpable that they will eventually come into themselves no matter what adversities they run into. Yet this universal rule doesn't apply to this movie.Thereupon it occurs to me that what is the true definition of superhero.

In the memory of my childhood, these superheroes strike me with somebody who possesses great power, high-tech back-up and tough body. Nevertheless, as time goes by, my recognition totally altered. For one thing, superhero is nothing more than a mortal. Nobody is born with numerous strength and strong will. There is no doubt that they will come into happiness and adversities as well as all of us. It's their choices that make them special and entitled. For another, superhero by no means is anybody else. Unlike unexceptional individuals, they shoulder greater liability. What impresses me most is that whenever their mission borders on the impossible, under no circumstances will they yield to. Provided that there's an ocean ahead of them or man-eating wild beats, they are ready to engage in a desperate struggle with them until their last breath.

I am more than indebted to these superheroes for they enlightening our life and encourage me to live a full and substantial life

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Reply liondoggy 2018-5-14 18:50
Superhero is surely a strong spirit rooted in youngsters' minds so much so that this psychological power motivates them to be a better person,which reveals the ture purpose of this type of movie.We should regard our favorite heroes as role models to improve ourselves.
Reply cccccccc 2018-5-14 22:15
Sometimes I think that maybe superheroes are the real existence. They protect us from being hurt by those bad guys. Meanwhile we should take these superheroes as role model so that we can have a strong will
Reply skye 2018-5-15 09:01
liondoggy: Superhero is surely a strong spirit rooted in youngsters' minds so much so that this psychological power motivates them to be a better person,which re ...
Definitely!You’ve made such a good point! I hope one day I can proudly say that all my efforts aren’t to no avail and I am also a member of superheroes.
Reply skye 2018-5-15 09:03
cccccccc: Sometimes I think that maybe superheroes are the real existence. They protect us from being hurt by those bad guys. Meanwhile we should take these sup ...
hhhhhhhh Yes. Sometimes I will have the same feelings as yours. Maybe we just are not aware of the existence of superhero. In fact, they are everywhere like the soldiers, pilots teachers and parents most importantly. Hope we all can be a better person.
Reply Herewalkingcat 2018-5-15 15:37
Maybe I know why so many youths like the course of a series of superhero films after reading your blog. Superheroes have many good traits that we can learn. Besides, I believe you can be a better person.
Reply skye 2018-5-15 16:49
Herewalkingcat: Maybe I know why so many youths like the course of a series of superhero films after reading your blog. Superheroes have many good traits that we can  ...
Thanks for your for supporthhhhhhhhhh. This summer I may invite my father to go to the cinema with me because there is another superhero movie coming soon. I believe that not only the youth but also everyone will have affection for the superhero maybehhhhhh.
Reply Cleo 2018-5-15 16:56
Haha, I thought you write your father before I read it. The existence of superhero is really cool! By the way, your words are great!
Reply skye 2018-5-15 17:14
Cleo: Haha, I thought you write your father before I read it. The existence of superhero is really cool! By the way, your words are great!
Hhhhhhh yeah A few days ago I bought a ticket for my father to see the movie the first player. I am so excited that he actually likes ithhhhhh. Superhero is cool but I think we should pay more attention to the spirits beneath it.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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