Hot 5
Herewalkingcat: Hhhhhhh,amazing, I am Julie! I am lucky that I am one of the members of our dormitory. And I really love the location of our dormitory.
Cleo: Here is Alice! hhhhhh the 'Magic Fairy Castle' is so funny~ I am very happy to be your roomie and friend, I love our dormitary and I can't imagine we ...
liondoggy: Your words are always interesting and appeal to people to read without interruption.Your positive and kind attitude has exerted an impresssive impact ...
cccccccc: Hhhhhhha I feel very happy when I read your description about my desk. You are a visionary! Hhha and I have to say Magic Fairy Castle is the best dorm ...
舌甘木昜: According to your detailed description, I can tell that you really love the small home. There is nothing better than a shelter where you can share hap ... --- A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!
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