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Never complain about other things except yourself

Hot 1592 views. 2021-8-6 15:53 |Individual Classification:Private daily diary

  One day, If you have to fact the trouble thing which lets you angry and anxiety. Please don't complain about  other things except yourself. The key problem is not in the trouble thing by itself. The key problem is in ourselves. Why do you get angry with the trouble thing? I think that , your ability is not able to handle that. The thing might over your control. You haven't any way to release your emotion. Therefore ,you only way is get angry with anything which around your circumstance .
   Angry is one of the performance talentless  person. when you face this situation, you have to inspect all of yourself. which things I done rightly , which things I done wrongly. Make a wrong thing isn't the most horrible in our social live. The most horrible thing is that you do not know which thing your had done wrongly in the trouble .

   do you agree with my opinions? If you have any suggests or advice, please leave your comments below!

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Reply teadrinking 2021-8-7 09:35
Ups and downs we cannot avoid, but we can find some ways to solve, while complaints do not solve anything but get negatively grumbling. Meanwhile, it is quite important to build up one's confidence and get to know the right way to succeed is to find out his or her defects and then try changing and moving forward. Thus, it is highly possible to combat troubles and prevent bad moods from coming out again.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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