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Learning is not only for getting score!

Hot 1759 views. 2021-12-31 14:26

    As you know all, a high score means students who have excellent performance at school! I admit that the score is one of the key items to measure the performance of students, but it doesn't mean that the score can represent all aspects of students.
    At first , I always measured my son's performance base on examination score. Therefore , My son was not happy. He told me that Dad, I was very sad, I wanted to play with my friend outside.playing the game as the same as other children. This was my dream.
    What a pity.I usually rejected his demands. I said to him that you should study hard to get high score. you had to be excellent according to examination score ranking.
    Until an one time. he told to me that dad I wanted to suicide myself. I am not interested in anything. I didn't know why I should learning knowledge for what? for examination, for good salary in the future.
I was shock when I listened those things from my son's month. I scared that what son would happen in the future.
    I changed my attitude for him immediately. We can not focus on the score only.we have to care about children's psychological healthy. He is a human. He is not a machine. He has his idea to do. As parents who can not impost the our ideas to him

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Reply Dempsey 2021-12-31 16:55
Scores are important, but not the only important which can decide our future. What decides it is the living ability once we go to the society, and scores or education background is only part if it. Wish that your son can have happy student life!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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