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What are the effects of pupils beneath double reduction policies

400 views. 2022-1-25 15:00

    Hello everybody.Today, I am going to talk about "What are the effects of pupils beneath double reduction policies"

    It has been implemented since spring 2020. but the result of those policies did not achieve that what it was expected to. The final examination scores of pupils appeared to be decreasing trend. The gap between excellent performance pupils and normal performance ones that will be more and more bigger. In other words that The scores performance good or bad depend on the pupils whom self-control ability good or bad.
    As a matter of fact, I don't agree with these policies. Those measures would led the normal pupils to lower scores. Because, Those pupils who can no chance to participate in tutoring classes do not get not a good resource to improve their knowledge.


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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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