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Get rid of the phone and return to real live

487 views. 2022-11-4 14:54

  Have you ever felt anxiety after watching short videos for a period? Do you always want to watch short videos or open the social apps when you felt you were free?
 I think that there are 80 percentage people will answer"YES"including me. but,do you ever thing what the problems are cause our brain to be attracted by them. I searched this on the google. I got something conclusions from it.

First one. concentration !

The former google software engineer said:" IF YOU ARE NOT PAYING FOR THE PRODUCT, THEN YOU ARE THE PRODUCT." Those shot videos apps are controlled by capitalism, they sells our concentration to their advertisers. The advertising fee becomes their main income. So, they designed the a series of algorithm in apps to attract our concentration as much as possible.

The second one. dopamine

The structure of our brain is similar to a thousand years ago it was. That is not big evolution. But, Our technologies are more advanced then ancient period. In other word, our brain can not capture those modifying.

So, Our brain always need the chemical material which names dopamine to stimulate in the easiest way. Actually, the network , the short videos are easiest and more convenience way to get stimulation.

how can we get rid of those addiction?

1. put down your phone when you are free
2. uninstall all of entertainment apps from your phone exclude necessaries.
3. decrease the using time of internet.
4. learn more knowledge to enrich your live.
5. do some workout to keep fit. The body shape management is very importance

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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