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Put down my Phone

Hot 1708 views. 2023-3-10 10:51

Hello. Everyone ,It's a long time no see. How do you do!

I felt freedom and relax when I put down my phone. Disconnected the network. Uninstalled all of entertainment software and instant communicative apps. My smart phone became a dump phone.

My heart and soul are clam and peace now. I always felt anxiety and uneasy when I got the a lot of messages from different apps continually. Those messages or news are useless of us. but,my spirit and mind would keep the caution of them.

what is the real life? what is the virtual life ? we've been confusion now. we've reckoned some of extreme phenomenons as the normal ones in the daily live. The behavior would let us always be anxiety and uneasy condition. We would feel that our body and spirit are more and more tired. We do not want to do anymore. The future live is full with hopeless.

Therefore , I hope that we can put down the phone. To distinguish the virtual and real live .Phone is a tool and network is a tool also . They are nor a lord for our life.

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Reply Xtasy 2023-3-10 15:19
Yeah, you are right. The little devices are manipulating us in daily life and work. I kind of like to go back to days when life was rather simple with not so much information flooded in. Scrolling down the screen endlessly has taken up so much time and makes us forget to have a heart-to-heart with loved ones, meditation, or anything that really winds us down.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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