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Shares How to be a good man in the ture world?
2024-5-10 15:55
Hello. Everyone! How do you do! It is a long period , we have not written something here. I miss you so much. due to ,there are many things happened during this period. please tell me how to be a good man.
291 views|0 replies
Shares Put down my Phone
2023-3-10 10:51
Hello. Everyone ,It's a long time no see. How do you do! I felt freedom and relax when I put down my phone. Disconnected the network. Uninstalled all of entertainment software and instant communicative apps. My smart phone became a dump phone. My heart and soul ar ...
692 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares Get rid of the phone and return to real live
2022-11-4 14:54
Have you ever felt anxiety after watching short videos for a period? Do you always want to watch short videos or open the social apps when you felt you were free? I think that there are 80 percentage people will answer"YES"including me. but,do you ever thing wha ...
471 views|0 replies
Shares New Concept English
2022-10-29 14:59
Hello everyone. I bought a new suit New Concept English yesterday. I am going to learn English again from head to end.
747 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares Be better in the furture
2022-9-30 10:44
Hello everyone. It is a long time did not write something here. This blog is less and less people visit here now.I am afraid of that the website would be closed in the future.
494 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares Put down the mobile phone
2022-6-7 10:38
It is a long time did not go to here! I have to overcome my Phone addiction . do you have any good ideas or suggests to advise me?
528 views|0 replies
Shares How to happily quit the pornography
2022-2-18 11:39
Good morning everybody. How are you? I hope your everything is OK.Today, I am going to introduce a good method to quit masturbation and the problems of pornography. I believe that there are many youths and adults who are effect by pornography. They want to quit it once time and ...
486 views|0 replies
Shares What are the effects of pupils beneath double reduction policies
2022-1-25 15:00
Hello everybody.Today, I am going to talk about "What are the effects of pupils beneath double reduction policies" It has been implemented since spring 2020. but the result of those policies did not achieve that what it was expected to. The final exami ...
425 views|0 replies
Shares Good news which have to share with you!
2022-1-17 08:53
Good morning everyone. I am so happy now. There is a message which I have to share with you! That is scores of my son's final examination at third grade primary school. I got the scores from my son's class teacher the day before yesterday.My son had three subjects a ...
790 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares Learning is not only for getting score!
2021-12-31 14:26
As you know all, a high score means students who have excellent performance at school! I admit that the score is one of the key items to measure the performance of students, but it doesn't mean that the score can represent all aspects of stud ...
818 views|1 replies Hot 1

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