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Shares The First day new job in the new company
2021-7-26 14:26
This is my first day in the new company ,which staple is Pet strollers and baby car. I have never had those industrial experience . therefore ,I felt very very anxious and serious . I am thirty-two years old , I just want to get a stable job with a reasonable salary ...
Individual Classification: Private daily diary|519 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares The 2nd day without smoking
2021-7-23 19:57
Today is second day without smoking. My feeling is very very bad. I have got a headache all day. My hands are shaking now. I don't know how can I reduce those symptoms . The brain is not my brain, she belongs the addiction of cigarette. &nbs ...
Individual Classification: Private daily diary|326 views|0 replies
Shares The 1st day to quit smoking!
2021-7-22 21:04
I have smoked cigarette for 12 years. I felt that my lung is in bad condition. therefore , It is time which have to quit smoking for my wife, parents, children. This day is my 1st day without smoking . The feeling is not good. My brain is seem to be full of pain . It is blank all da ...
Individual Classification: Private daily diary|490 views|2 replies Hot 1

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