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Chapter 4 Snowflake and Maple

355 views. 2022-4-11 09:19 |Individual Classification:Sol Symphony| novel, English

I grew fanciful, when several pearly clouds dappled the clear blue sky. Imagine fluffy snowdrops blossoming in springtime, or pearly gems strung on watery thread. From remote sky, a plump whale with a fluffy tail was sailing in the deep blue sky sea, tapping the unknown world in curiosity.

Snowflake was musing in midair. On seeing us, she smiled sweetly in silence, and we read our thoughts. Snowflake was thinking of hexagon, or the calculation of hexagon angels. I was thinking of numbers, and making calculation of perimeter of rectangular in my mind.

We explored maths in our mind, sharing our knowledge. Snowflake was smiling sweetly to us in silence. We glided in the air. It was snowing.

On a sunny slope, a maple grove came into view, in red, crimson, deep orange and gold. We looked for every layer of gold among treetops. One maple was clapping its reddish leaves and whistling a tune. For a moment, Maple was whistling a merry tune in a tree hole. Sweet maple sugar was gushing from the tree hole, and she looked sweet. A cool girl in a reddish gown. Maple nymph had fairy long hair and she wore a serrated reddish maple leaves crown. Her crimson gown and golden shawl looked bright in the cool breeze.

“Hooray! Friends!” Maple sounded crisp and sweet.

“Maple!” We called out.

Maple flipped on some thick golden leaves. And we bounced in the grove.

We flew in the grove. Maple was drifting in the air lightly in high spirit. In a moment, a pair of tiny transparent wings sprouted from Maple, and Maple was carrying some seeds in her hand. Our laughter rang in the glade. Lots of Snowflakes and Maple leaves played together with us and flitted in midair with us.

    I flew to the Attic and selected some books on drawing and painting. Drawing is visual language. I started from some free lines. And I drew whatever I liked. I applied blue colors on the paper, and drew a patch of sky. Bright rays would radiate from cragged horizon. Fresh, clear blue tones spread. I applied pure blue colors with my crayon.

      Then how about the deeper tones in higher tiers of the arch?

      How to deepen the blue colors?

       I applied some purple and mauve lightly on the thick paper. Then I drew deeper blue.

       I drew the blue tones evenly. Several pearly clouds would dapple in the sky. Jerome reminded me I could erase some blue tones off the paper with a soft eraser. I wandered how to draw dimensional clouds. On a flat paper, a cloud would have shadowy parts and bright parts. Jerome applied some silver and gray on the white clouds, and the clouds drifted in blue sky!

       I grew cheerful, encouraged by the success of our attempt. I tried to draw the sea. The color scheme of the sea would be contrary to the sky. Near the beach, the blue tones looked deep and clear. I added some mauve to pure blue. Farther and farther from the sea shore, the blue colors of the waves faded, and at the remote horizon, the light waves would merge with the sky.

      Waves would sparkle in the sunrays. The waves have shadowy parts and bright parts. Enlighten the bright parts with lemon yellow and silver. Sea waves are sparkling in the sunrays! And the sea flowed in the remote sky! Two pearly clouds curled in the clear sky.

        For a moment, I applied every stroke of the tones finely and evenly, and I was immersed in the atmosphere of blue sky and rippling sea. In tranquility, I applied the tones. For a moment, my mind was a blank. I forgot about worldly affairs.

Then I realized I forgot about the world around me. I enjoyed the fairy moments. Carefree and light-hearted. I applied some tones and the waves were flowing. I stepped back and observed my picture. And I nodded in content.

        I do not know how to draw a bird. I can express a bird with some free, simple strokes. When I was young, I have not been to the sea yet. I read some picture books. The sea birds would occasionally dip into the waves, looking for fishes. Then they would perch on an island, or sail across the sea. Sometimes they would land on the bank and strut about.

         I added an island in the east. The island was in gleaming sunrays. At the sea, the sun would always shine brightly. Jerome said if I want to develop my talents in drawing, I can draw two kinds of pictures. One is free lines, free drawing and painting, as I have practiced for today. And he wanted to ask me to trace some floral patterns.

        At noon, Cora flew from the Attic window and sent my brunch basket. I opened my brunch basket, filled with ambrosia and a loaf of coarse wheat bread. I devoured some bread. The ambrosia tasted sweet, made from fresh golden honey combs. We also sucked some honey. Then all our energy resumed.

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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