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155 views. 2023-9-21 11:04

Prejudice is the only standard of those which don't have scientific standards.


A disciplined life takes you to envision your future, and a casual life helps you relish the present.


There is encounter before there is the charm of life. Sometimes we need no more, but only a single loving glance from somewhere would be enough to dispel the dark clouds of the years and awake our faith in happiness. 


In this society, most people are not easily to be identifiers. Look at those detractors—their only speciality is just disapproval, or just contradiction.


Those you have done for the favour, recognition and payment of others, if they do not admit, those are all nothingness. For your own conscience, talent and lifestyle, all you have done are never deficit though none of others admit.


What is a foolish thing? It is what you have done that would make you regret. The more you regret, the more foolish it is. But a fool is one who won’t predict the regret before he does the thing.


If I have engaged in something for I love it, and for it is part of my life rather than pursuit of a bubble reputation, I would not be restricted to every step of my resolution with which I rack my brains.  


Any one of our organs, having not been afflicted by hunger, injury and disease, would not feel its existence, and same is the soul of a man. What could a soul perceive if between good and evil, reason and instinct, like the heaven and the hell, are there not these alternation of conflicts?


A man can be on the way to heaven, but heaven is not accessible to him. To be on the way, it means the realization of the other shore, which disappears to be accessible. The disappearance is the conclusion of belief, and abandonment of salvation. Therefore, heaven is neither an existence of space, nor that of material, but a journey where the spirit is eternal.

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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