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344 views. 2023-11-18 15:04

Let yourself shine in the eyes of others, attracting the admiration and envy of even passers-by and strangers—many people regard this as goodness to themselves. In my opinion, this is not true self-love, but more like a kind of “self-sickness”, because there are totally not observation, respect and acceptance of the true self, but full of disregard, aversion and repression of one’s own nature. In fact, this is rather not necessary, because however perfectly a person conducts, there are always people who like him and people who don’t. Even for a saint like Jesus, while some liked him, some still didn’t, and some even hated him so that they sent him to the cross. Such being the case, we might just live as we are, being more natural and real, since there would still be people who like you or not, but at least you would love yourself better. That is truly called “self-love”, isn't it?

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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