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A new trip

103 views. 2024-6-5 23:02 |Individual Classification:daily journal

Recently, I have solved my question: if I am in China how can I create an English learning environment? Through learning from the internet, I learn that maybe I can create the environment by listening the English songs, watching English movies, and writing English blogs. I always believe that God helps those who help themselves. Now, it's maybe a little boring because I always talk about my learning process. But I want to record my expression and someday when I look back I will know how I get success. More importantly, I am still trying different methods, so it is the key to keep records. For example, I found memory words by reading is truly a good way. When I see the word that I have seen in movies, many plots come to me and help me understand its meaning. But I must read more ,then  I can improve more. Another thing is that I start to copy some sentences to practice my writing skill.
And I start reading on e-book. E-books are convenient to carry around. I can access a vast library of books with just a few taps on my device. I can also adjust the font size and brightness, which provides me with a more personalized reading experience. Come on! You can do it!


Recently, I solved a lingering question: how can I create an English learning environment while living in China? Through online research, I learned that I might be able to create this environment by listening to English songs, watching English movies, and writing English blogs. I have always believed that "God helps those who help themselves." Although it may seem a bit tedious to constantly talk about my learning process, I want to document my journey so that one day, when I look back, I will see how I achieved success. More importantly, as I continue experimenting with different methods, keeping a record is crucial. For example, I discovered that memorizing words through reading is an effective strategy. When I encounter words I've seen in movies, various scenes come to mind, helping me understand their meanings. However, I must read more to continue improving. Another technique I've started is copying sentences to practice my writing skills.

Additionally, I have begun reading on an e-book. E-books are convenient to carry around, allowing me to access a vast library of books with just a few taps on my device. I can also adjust the font size and brightness, providing a more personalized reading experience. Come on! You can do it!

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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