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How a tired day

82 views. 2024-6-6 23:02 |Individual Classification:daily journal

Today, I have many tasks need to do so I have little time to learn English. And I have found learning English has become a funny thing for me. All adults have to face many pressures that come from work, family, or friends. One misfortunate thing I heard today is my friend's father has a disaster when his father go fishing. Worsely, his wife is going to have a baby. I don't know why the fate is so fond of playing tricks on people. He just as young as me, but he needs to face these difficulties and take on so much heavy burden. True fighters dare face the sorrows of humanity, and look unflinchingly at bloodshed. And tragedy shows what is worthwhile in life is shattered. I just wish my friend can 
go through these sorrow experiences. And these may teach us to cherish those who loves you and you love.


Today, I had numerous tasks to complete, leaving me with little time to study English. However, I have discovered that learning English has become an enjoyable activity for me. As adults, we all must contend with various pressures from work, family, or friends.

Today, I heard some unfortunate news: my friend's father had a tragic accident while fishing. To make matters worse, his wife is expecting a baby soon. I can't fathom why fate seems to delight in playing cruel tricks on people. He is just as young as I am, yet he is forced to confront these immense challenges and bear such a heavy burden. True fighters dare to face the sorrows of humanity and look unflinchingly at bloodshed. Tragedy reveals what is truly valuable in life by shattering it.

I sincerely hope my friend can endure these sorrowful experiences. Perhaps they will teach us to cherish those who love us and whom we love.

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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