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The weekends

127 views. 2024-6-7 22:11 |Individual Classification:daily journal

It’s hard to imagine that I have insisted on writing blogs 4 days just because I believe it will be helpful. Since my chief business is to enable myself to immerse myself in the English learning environment, I cannot help considering whether or not I am forming the powers which will secure this ability. The majority of us who learning English are not even aware of the significance of writing. Even though there is plenty of evidence that writing practice is an important variable, many people have fought against promoting their writing skills. Your practice must be relevant to your aim and should help to achieve it. Most of us give in to lazy which we usually blame on some other reasons, until one day we find that there is nothing but ourselves on the way to success. Most people seem to have fun in the day, progressing toward bad ones before sleeping, suggesting that they are feeling guilty for their laziness. This alone demonstrates that the real world is not an easy world, many people give up halfway. In summary, my primary task is not to think about whether or not I will be successful, any more than a Superman is expected to achieve success all the time. A variety of methods of learning English should be tried so that I can remain active even though it is tiring, and I can insist on it without boring.


It's hard to believe that I've managed to write blogs for four consecutive days, driven by my conviction that it will be beneficial. My primary goal is to immerse myself in an English learning environment, which leads me to question whether I'm developing the skills necessary to secure this proficiency. Many English learners remain oblivious to the importance of writing. Despite ample evidence that writing practice is a crucial factor, numerous individuals resist improving their writing skills. Practice must align with your objectives and facilitate their achievement.

Often, we succumb to laziness, attributing our lack of progress to external factors. Yet, we eventually realize that the only obstacle to success is ourselves. Many people enjoy their day but end it with regret, recognizing their own idleness. This alone illustrates that the real world is challenging, and many abandon their efforts midway.

In conclusion, my primary focus should not be on whether I will succeed, just as a superhero is not expected to triumph constantly. I need to experiment with various English learning methods to stay engaged, even when it becomes exhausting, and persist without finding it monotonous.

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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