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I feel anxious all day long

1068 views. 2011-12-12 15:02

What would be your choice,if you are eager to know the result of something,while that outcome won't be available until ocer a month. in the event, what would you do? i mean the result is of prime importance to you,moreover you have been working on it for quite a long time. One thing for sure that it will make me extremely frustrated,on condition that the result was not I have been anticipating.
oh, God. It kills.

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Reply linda@crab 2011-12-12 15:38
what are u waiting for? very important for u? come on! easy!~ we can't change any results that have been nailed!
Reply Jessico 2011-12-12 15:52
Friend, I also had the same feeling when I took some important exams before. Actually I paid attention to each of them and also the process. During the ppreparation, I would constantly adjust my mindset and get every difficult points done. If finally missed, I would not blame myself because I made my efforts. Then had another opportunity, I would try again. I am wondering what's the importance for you?
Reply touringchina 2011-12-12 16:25
Jessico: Friend, I also had the same feeling when I took some important exams before. Actually I paid attention to each of them and also the process. During th
Oh,my god. your mentality on taking exams has been upgraded to the level of Jesus! How did you make it.
Reply Jessico 2011-12-12 16:29
touringchina: Oh,my god. your mentality on taking exams has been upgraded to the level of Jesus! How did you make it.
Hehe. Mindset takes more importance. Once better adjustment, the outcome seems satisfying
Reply touringchina 2011-12-12 16:33
linda@crab: what are u waiting for? very important for u? come on! easy!~ we can't change any results that have been nailed!
i am waiting for the result of a test,which means a lot to me for the time being. God, can not get rid of the anxious mood. The result of the exam might have been fixed,but definitely not my feelings,because i am wonder how many scores I will obtain.
your nickname better be linda and crab,because in that case, you know,,,,more fun
Reply linda@crab 2011-12-12 16:39
touringchina: i am waiting for the result of a test,which means a lot to me for the time being. God, can not get rid of the anxious mood. The result of the exam mig
oh! oh!
cus linda has been used by so many people, so...actually crab is my nickname
Reply loly90 2011-12-12 22:54
all i want to say is, let it be.No need to be anxious,things always are happening and developing,if you can change it then make efforts to change.Good luck,believing that there are many people like you worrying all day too
Reply touringchina 2011-12-13 07:08
loly90: all i want to say is, let it be.No need to be anxious,things always are happening and developing,if you can change it then make efforts to change.Good
I am not worried about it, What i want is to get the result ASAP.
In other words,I am not p-atient enough to wait as long as anybody else. perhaps it is a kind of temperament defect.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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