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Shares depressed
2009-11-9 22:24
Gas water heater doesn't work these days, too despressed, my brother are not at home till weekend. It's so inconvenient for us to bath. Oh,my ..... Tonight, we tried to open the heater suddenly, It works very well. However, a moment later, it brings back. It real saids that:Trees prefer to be ...
455 views|2 replies
Shares idol drama
2009-11-6 23:12
I have been used to coming here every night. Glad to share my feeling to our friends easily. These days i watched a korean idol drama ---"Rumors of 7 princess" all the time, very funny I think. Now commend you to have a see see.
379 views|6 replies
Shares strange dressing cause...
2009-11-5 23:43
Today i dressed very dazzling.Ared jacket and a shorts make all colleagues around me exclaimed loudly. Wo ! Oh my god ! ........ I was suddenly paid special attention to. Looking from their eyes, I evenfelt a little bit shy. Maybe i should keep humber. Till now, i know that it isn ...
382 views|6 replies
Shares Miss you deep into the night
2009-11-5 00:25
The weather gets colder day by day besides southern places. Recently, i always immersed myself into the memory of those days during last year even the year before last year. At the moment, I miss my colleague roomates and you so much. We were a quite crazy family before. There are so many memories ...
623 views|4 replies
Shares learn to be indepedent myself
2009-11-3 00:03
So late now. I don't know why i cannot go asleep tonight. Anyway, ishould insist on keeping my diary everyday. I decide to form a good habit to improve My english. Yesterday, boss suddenly told me to make records with Angela. To be frank, my english level descents rather fastly th ...
544 views|7 replies
Shares Korean delicacy
2009-10-31 22:10
In the afternoon, sister-in-law called me while i was working. I was astonished that she said she would cook korean delicacy for us. At the beginning, i didn't beleive her until she done it. As you know,Koreanpickle is famous in the world and tastes good as well. She made dishes o ...
428 views|4 replies
Shares working tired
2009-10-30 20:46
Tonight I am so happy for not work overtime. Since i just come this company, many things i have not straighted out. So I try to learn as hard as I can. But not all jobs you want to learn, people could give you an opportunity. Then i think the reason of a little bittired everydayis not h ...
376 views|3 replies

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