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Shares ring
2011-5-1 22:13
I've got so many news that fris are getting married.... My middle school classmates, my pre-school classmates, my college-mates... I feel so happy for them,but then, I'm worries,how about me,when will i get married.... theyare so happy that's when ihave this thought that it' ...
994 views|7 replies
Shares suck day,suck choice!
2010-3-15 21:41
A very busy Spring Festival and until now---my elder bro's wedding day.... I haven't find a job yet,I feel suck! what am I gonna do? where should I choose to work at? I wanna leave home! days suck!!!
1179 views|13 replies
Shares should I go t the In'??
2010-1-29 12:04
I received some companies' interview,should I go to have an interview?
984 views|12 replies
Shares about apple
2010-1-28 11:10
1.Adam’s apple(喉结;喉核) “据《旧约·创世纪》记载,上帝创造了人类的始祖亚当(Adam)和夏娃(Eve),让他们无忧无虑地生活在伊甸园(Garden of Eden)。园里长着各种树木,结着各类果实。上帝吩咐他们可以随意享用园中的一切,除了智慧树(Tree of Wisdom)上的果子。然而,夏娃抵不住撒旦(Satan)的 ...
1054 views|2 replies
Shares 与Sunday有关的习语
2010-1-23 12:40
Sunday best , Sunday clothes , Sunday togs , Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes—— 高档、漂亮的衣裳;盛装    Sunday run—— 长距离    Sunday painter—— 业余画家    Sunday punch——( 拳击中)最厉害的一击;(对付对手的)杀手锏    Sunday saint—— 伪善者 Sunday saint and Mond ...
892 views|8 replies
Shares 眼睛颜色为什么会变色?
2010-1-20 14:58
对很多人来说,眼睛的颜色从生下来那一天开始就确定了,而且一辈子不变。但对另外一些人来说,却不是这样。究竟是什么原因会导致眼睛变色呢? It can bend light, bring the world into focus, and next to the human brain may be our most complicated organ. But for many people the most intriguing feature of the h ...
713 views|4 replies

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