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linda@crab's Space [Favorites] [Copy] [Shares] [RSS]


Valentine's Day

1375 views. 2012-2-14 12:26 |

why havn't i seen some blogs on Valentine's Day here till now? out of my receptation. remembering that once there was some featival, guys of u would write sth. but i'v brosen several times here. none! stange! is there sth wrong? or most of us have tired of it...

Post comment Comment (6 replies)

Reply snowflying 2012-2-14 21:30
have a nice day,girl though now is night,hehe..
Reply warmjaney 2012-2-15 08:20
Maybe they are busy in making the date each other, lol!
Reply linda@crab 2012-2-15 09:06
warmjaney: Maybe they are busy in making the date each other, lol!
Reply linda@crab 2012-2-15 09:07
snowflying: have a nice day,girl though now is night,hehe..
unluckily i was alone last night
Reply voiceheart 2012-4-18 11:54
let all go with their nature
Reply linda@crab 2012-4-18 12:32
voiceheart: let all go with their nature
long time ago i wrote it! hehe! thanks for your reply anyway!!!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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