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  • The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday Reply
  • those who abandon themselves to dispair can not be succeed ! come on !  Reply
  •  this is my taobao internet ,welcome everyone to visit and will give you a surprised discount , thanks !  Reply
  • now it is rainning cats and dogs Reply
  • Today is father day , i wish my father has a best health and a nice mood everyday Reply
  • Real Namealice
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday1987 - 6 - 25
  • Birthplace江苏 盐城
  • Residence江苏 常州
  • CompanyUpdated luggage inc
  • Occupationpurchase
  • Finding ...
  • Blood TypeA
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  • alicegao published a new blog 12-5 10:58
    Bad weather in China
    NowmostcitiesofChinahaveheavyfrog.Wecannotseeeachotherfarfrom100meters.Somebodyaskmewhy?Ithinktherearemanyreasonsleadtothiskindsofweather.Suchasind ...
Bad weather in China 2013-12-05
Now most cities of China have heavy frog . We can not see each other far ...
(698) Views|(3) Replies

To outstrip of authority

good luck for me 2010-06-25
i will leave changzhou city,in which i live in there five years/    I frankly to say, i love the city.   like the weather ...
(704) Views|(8) Replies
Experiences in Dealing with Foreign Traders 2009-12-09
  一、买家询盘为泛问所有产品 询盘格式通常如下: We are interested in all your products, could yo ...
(1288) Views|(2) Replies
in a bad mood 2009-12-09
it's a bad day in this morning for me !these things let me think more .i want to ask myself:where is my furture and so on. it's very boring! I &nb ...
(688) Views|(3) Replies

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xxtxjxt 2011-3-2 20:36
alicegao: hi ,cute girl !so glad to see you  !
me too
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