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You WILL eventually become the one you want to be

Hot 61250 views. 2014-6-29 19:36 | eventually, including, become

I had to admit that I forced myself to do some changes to my life, including changing a job. As to me, QD is always the best city I ever wanted to settle in, because it is not far away from my hometown, it has comfortable climate to live, and it has different kinds of seafoods which I love the most. I tried several times to come back to this city in the past three years, but failed each time with no suitable job.  Once, I extremely wanted to be a part of one company, while finally they refused me because of my little experience. I believe that everyone could understand my emotions and situation that time when hunting for a job, it can defeat me quite easily, I did lose hope and confidence sometimes, but thanks to all, finally, I came to this city with a better offer, which delighted my life.

And after I came here, I found it a little difficulty to spend my time after work, you know I used to work overtime in my last job, so I just don't know what to do without working overtime. But one day, when I wondered around my renting apartment, I occured to see a yoga house, so I walked in, then an idea came to me, since it is so near and yoga IS the kind of sports I like, so why not? so you'd konw what's happened next.

When I stared at the yoga card when I came home, I just have one sentence in my head, that is, you will eventually become the one you want to be. I can't say that I already be the person I want to be, but I am on my way. This kind of life was exactly the one I always want to have, living in a place I like, have my whole spare time after work, and can do things I like when I want to, all this have come true, which I dare not even to imagine in my last job. So I really think that you finally WIll become what you want if you really want it.

Yesterday, I talked to one of my friends, he was hurt recently by a girl, which in my opinion he should end the relationship immediately. First of all, they had different attitude towards life and other things, and what's more, the girl seems not that into him, while he cared more for her. He told me that he just cannot understand why she could just say she was busy several days after he made almost 20 calls to her. I told him "It's quite simple, the answer is so clear, which is she didn't like you, at least not as much as you, maybe to her, you were just a spare tire." and also, I told him that you should place yourself in the first consideration, especially when the other one didn't show the interest to response to your feelings. You should be  always kind to yourself, you cannot change others, but you can change your emotions to it, this is the only thing you can handle , so it is only your own business to be happy or not. You should care more for yourself than for others. If you didn't get a call or even a message back after you had made two calls to the same person, then stop calling, and kicked her out of your life, because this only show that you are not important to her, I don't think that she is as busy the president, while the president still have time to make calls. If she really wanted to contact you, she'd always find time, if not, it is only because that she thought you didn't deserve it,  so just let her go, even no need to say goodbye.

 I believe that everyone want to be important to the person he valued, no one would be willing to be a spare tire all the time. So I told him, if you want to valued by someone, firstly value yourself, your life is YOUR life, YOU take the responsibility to it, so make it the way you like, choose someone who would do you a favor while not lead you to the opposite way.

At last, he told me that he was cured by my words, I do not know whether it really works for him, but I am sure he learned something from that, hope he will be very well better. And I gave the sentence  "You WILL eventually become the one you want to be" to him as an ending. And also I want to give it to all my friends in Dio, and please believe, everything happens for the best!

Post comment Comment (13 replies)

Reply caresseangel 2014-6-29 21:15
your view is perfect.
Reply Dannietle 2014-6-29 21:38
yes, everything happens for the best, just as I have said to someone in DIO few days ago.
Best is always latest to come! We always need to meet someone alse before knowing the princess /prince .

Reply sunnyv 2014-6-30 01:32
I would like to tell your friend this;

Sometimes it is very hard to move on but ...
when you move on, you'll realize it was the best decision.

Forgiving is his gift to her, moving on is his gift for himself.
Reply penfield 2014-6-30 09:11
I love your "You WILL eventually become the one you want to be" very much. Thank you!
Girls liking sports as you are always awesome! Go ahead!
Reply fairy0612 2014-6-30 09:46
caresseangel: your view is perfect.
    Maybe you cannot call it perfect, it is just some kind of conclusion about my own experiences, sometimes experience really can give us a good lesson.
Reply fairy0612 2014-6-30 09:49
Dannietle: yes, everything happens for the best, just as I have said to someone in DIO few days ago.
Best is always latest to come! We always need to meet someo ...
Happy to know that you are agree with my idea, I'd thought maybe people would say I was cruel to my friend .

Best will always come, so what we do is to wait patiently with improving ourselves. I believe that everything was meant to be, arranged by destiny, I choose to accept it, and keep moving.
Reply fairy0612 2014-6-30 09:52
sunnyv: I would like to tell your friend this;

Sometimes it is very hard to move on but ...
when you move on, you'll realize it was the best decision.

Forgi ...
I would like to repeat your words to him without missing a single word.
Yes, sometimes it IS hard to move on, and maybe it takes a long time, but you will gonna pass it at last, so moving on is always the best choice. As I believed, everything is meant to be happen, and at last you will get a surprising gift from it.

Best wishes to all of us.
Reply fairy0612 2014-6-30 09:55
penfield: I love your "You WILL eventually become the one you want to be" very much. Thank you!
Girls liking sports as you are always awesome! Go ahe ...
Happy you love that.

But you may get something wrong, I don't like sports, actually I hate it because of the heavy sweeping. But we need exercises, especially ones sitting all day in front of the computer. So I choose yoga as my sports, which is not too strenuous, but good for my body as well.
Reply penfield 2014-6-30 10:10
fairy0612: Happy you love that.

But you may get something wrong, I don't like sports, actually I hate it because of the heavy sweeping. But we need exercises, e ...
Someone think light sport doesn't mean heavy sweeping.
I hate sweating, but I often sweats very much.
Reply ly.identity 2014-8-6 16:39
Nice to back here, nice to "see" you again.

On the way, we are always on the way. Reading your blog, I was thinking, if we can meet some day in somewhere.
Reply fairy0612 2014-8-7 10:28
ly.identity: Nice to back here, nice to "see" you again.

On the way, we are always on the way. Reading your blog, I was thinking, if we can meet some da ...
But I HAVEN'T seen you for a long time.

The idea of meeting one came to us, but finally we didn't make it. I was in Changsha that time, which much nearer to Guangzhou-your place than my present city-Qingdao.
Reply Arainwu 2014-9-15 10:23
"YOU WILL EVENTUALLY BECOME THE ONE YOU WANT TO BE".This sentence will be my motto
Reply fairy0612 2014-9-15 15:50
Arainwu: "YOU WILL EVENTUALLY BECOME THE ONE YOU WANT TO BE".This sentence will be my motto
   Very very very glad to know that!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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