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My loving friends

761 views. 2012-4-22 20:42 |



     Clothes are better to be new, while friends better be old.

     It is so nice to have some good friends that grow together for a long while. The good friends not only bring accompany for our life, these days, I find they can also bring you encourage and positive energy.

     One of my good friends, girl, we were classmates in high school, has been in Beijing for 1 year, then she return to our hometown to work and live. Last year she decided to open a clothes shop in the small city she lives now, and she still holds her full time work.

    She borrowed some money from her co-workers and friends, rent a shop, furnished it, bought furniture, and made purchasing, all by herself!

She asks her mother to take care the shop for her when she goes to work. She uses the weekend’s time to come to the famous Beijing zoo clothes wholesale markets.

She has very good taste in clothes wearing, accessories choosing, and since school time, the things she bought were always admired by us. Now she uses this talent in business, and it really works well. Her shop soon becomes a popular place among the young female customers. Then she frequents the zoo market more time.

Sometime I go to accompany her in the market, and see her purchasing different goods, bargaining with varies of the vendors, and alone dealing a cart with many heavy bags on it, and finally delivers the whole cargo. I can’t help to admire her a lot. Can you believe this girl is still at her 20s, and is quite a quiet girl in appearance?

Seeing a friend working hard on what her like is a quite encouraging thing. I feel honored to be a friend of her, and I decide to do something as well, the things that I need to do but delay long time.

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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