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Being a Xifu

Hot 2820 views. 2013-7-5 14:09 | friends, morning, outside


            I  have read a miniblog published by one of my good friends. She wrote a story that one morning, her new married husband muttered to himself before he went outside: keys, wallet , mobile phone, all are taken already, but why still feeling something forgotten? Then her husband shouted, oh, i know, forgot Xifu ( wife)!

            The words made my friend laugh and feeling touching.and from the story i can also feel how nice their marriage is , how well the couple are getting along. I feel happy for her and for them.

            Good marriage would makes the two persons, at most time since they are together,become happier, more responsible, and more optimistic. And especially for woman, i feel.

        Before got married, i thought marriage is boring, time-costed, and even an ending of joys. While now, on the opposite, i always encourage girls,especially younger than me, to get marry. And surely, the precondition is find a good guy, a proper person. Then just enjoy, of being a Xifu.  

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Reply sunnyv 2013-7-5 15:44
I took a good look at my married friends. They all agree that the first year of marriage is sweet and happy. The next year disagreement begins and so on.

There is really a 7-year itch. In the seventh year, big heated arguments would come. It would take several more years to come down and mature, then if it pass this storm, it can become a successful marriage.

Actually, two people, not blood related, living together can be quite challenging. Each one have his/her own opinion and demands. Mutual understanding is required.
Reply 2amlittle 2013-7-5 20:56
sunnyv: I took a good look at my married friends. They all agree that the first year of marriage is sweet and happy. The next year disagreement begins and so  ...
I totally agree with you.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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