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I wasn't born yesterday!

2048 views. 2011-8-24 11:32

The following are some some idiomatic expressions of English,most of which are short,but of great fun.Little expressions like these can have a big impact on your English.They really can add to your ability to express yourself accutately and authentically.
1. I wasn't born yesterday.    
     Don't underestimate my  knowledge and experience
2.How do I address you?
3.She turns me off.
     I 'm fed up with her!
4.So far so good.
   Up to now,everything is ok!
5. Be my guest.
   Be at home/serve yourself
6.That was a close call.
That's dangerous!千钧一发!
7.Far from it.
  Not at all/That's not true
8. It is pain in the neck.
   That's a big trouble (这真是个麻烦事)。
9.We are in the same boat.
10.Don't beat around the bush.
11.I have sweet tooth.
12. It (completely) slipped my mind.
 不留神忘了。(个人感觉 "completely"用起来很帅~)
13. Drop me a line.
  写封信给我。(By the way,"give sb a dear John Letter" 是给某人绝交信的意思.
"French letter"也并不是法语信的意思,它的意思是"condom".很雷人吧!)
14.I am working on it!
15. Are you pulling my leg?
   Are you kidding?
16. You bet !
   Of course!(绝对是这样)
17.My mouth is watering.
18.I ache all over.
19. Do you have any openings?
      Do you  have any vacancy? ( 职位有空缺吗?)
20.You're making a moutain out of a molehill.
    (molehill "蚁山、鼹鼠丘",从蚁堆中弄个山出来,意思是你真是小题大做。)
21.toy with the idea of doing ...
   心里盘算着,强调其“犹豫”或“心里没底儿”,toy with 顾名思义。
  例如 A:What are you thinking about now? You have been sitting there for hours without doing anything.
          B:I am just toying with the idear of buying a teddy bear for my girlfriend,but I'm not sure whether she likes it.

Post comment Comment (11 replies)

Reply linda@crab 2011-8-24 12:19
thanks for your sharing! more??
Reply cgmichael 2011-8-24 14:55
that's good, but hard to remember.
Reply wolf13 2011-8-24 16:07
linda@crab: thanks for your sharing! more??
Yeah,if I have spare time,I would continue.Hope you'll like it~
Reply wolf13 2011-8-24 16:08
cgmichael: that's good, but hard to remember.
Actually I never try hard to remember them,rather I treat English as a hobby or entertainment.
Reply linda@crab 2011-8-24 16:10
wolf13: Yeah,if I have spare time,I would continue.Hope you'll like it~
Reply Athena2011 2011-8-25 09:31
Brilliant, thanks!
Reply wolf13 2011-8-25 10:58
Athena2011: Brilliant, thanks!
Reply heai88 2011-10-8 17:07
wolf13: Actually I never try hard to remember them,rather I treat English as a hobby or entertainment.
I agree with you.
Reply wolf13 2011-10-9 20:34
heai88: I agree with you.
Reply shirleyytt2010 2012-4-7 08:30
Thank you for sharing.
Reply wolf13 2012-4-10 21:36

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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