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Are you aware that you are patheticlly idling away everyday?

2277 views. 2011-10-28 08:47

      Life is courful.
      Life is full of entertainments.
      Our life is enriched by the  love surrounded by others,great joy from the fuifillment of work,the beautiful scenery of nature given by god and the happiness of being together with the one you love.Nevertheless,sometimes we also will encounter disappointments,upsets,sense of failure and hatred of life and the people around.We just can't find an area where we can be satisfied.Then we feel that life is meaningless,and then just idle away everyday pathetically.....
      It is of course,an unheathy lifestyle. You want to be better and are not willing to  disappoint the  people love you,right?Then the following may be what you need-several tips I find online,quite useful.You can elivate you life and be your best by following these tips.Refresh yourself NOW~
1.Read everyday, your mind needs bread of spirit as your body needs bread everyday.
2.Learn a new language! a Language opens a new window on the world.
3.Build your own inspiring room: find the sky where you can soar without wings.
4.Overcome your fears,or they overcome you.
5.Improve your skills: a little change everyday makes a big difference someday.
6.Writ a letter to the future: believe me, it has everything to do with the present.
7.Accept your weakness ; none has to be perfect.
8.Be executive, or you may never truly understand that is easier said then be done.
9.Learn from those you admire,untill the day you don't need to anymore.
10.Don't waste time on QQ or Microblogs.
11.Develop a new habit : out of a habit, grows a character, out of a character ,grows a life.
12,Let go of the past, or the future keeps waiting outside.
13.Be helpful: God also helps those who help others.
14.Get a good rest : all work and no play makes jack a dull boy.

Post comment Comment (8 replies)

Reply lijuanandrea 2011-10-28 13:47
I do have this feelings
Reply Jessico 2011-10-28 13:56
Nice tips. Life needs balance
Reply Edelweiss 2011-10-28 22:29
That's me.
Reply 异物 2011-10-28 23:49
lijuanandrea: I do have this feelings
But I don't. I'm always occupied.
Reply lijuanandrea 2011-10-29 08:44
next week will be a busy one
Reply bluephoebe 2011-11-11 16:29
1:no problem, i like reading. 2:no, certainly pass. English along is enough for me to deal with, i do need another one. 3: no luck here. 4. depends what kind of fears we are talking about. 5. i'm trying.  6. have no clue. 7. more or less. 8.  i'm always accepting, perhaps too much 9. i don't do admiration easily. but i totally agree. 10. no choice--I need QQ to make something down. update company's miniblog is part of my duty. 11. souds a great theory. 12. how, at what level? 13. no problem here, i'm a helper. 13 depends on the situation.  So, what's my score?
Reply wolf13 2011-11-11 22:42
bluephoebe: 1:no problem, i like reading. 2:no, certainly pass. English along is enough for me to deal with, i do need another one. 3: no luck here. 4. depends wha
Certainly you are  kind of person with independent thinking.However,on the other side,this litttle trait that you treat everything too seriously makes you as naive as a kid who are keen to the change of surroundings .Anyway ,that's just some tips on a macroscopical  point of view.We can  make good use of it according to our own situations,and not exactly but flexibly/Last but not least ,you are  al lovely person,no matter from point 1,2,3,4,5,...........
Reply 自然卷 2012-4-20 12:05
maybe i can tyr to follow your advise

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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