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Shares How much do you want entertain the enjorment of success?
2012-6-11 20:44
How much do you want to control your life? How much do you want to succeed ? How much do you want to win dignity and honour for yourself ,for your family and for your lover? If you really want it like you want breather in the water with head sinked in , then do it!Man. From now o ...
1307 views|2 replies
Shares The Lord of the Ring
2012-2-23 15:26
In the early month of the spring , the air was still chilly . However one movie move makes me feel warm and gives the feeling of being at home . The melody still haunting in my ear.... How do you pick up the threads of an old life ? How do you go on ? .... when in your heart you begi ...
1532 views|0 replies
Shares Are you aware that you are patheticlly idling away everyday?
2011-10-28 08:47
Life is courful. Life is full of entertainments. Our life is enriched by the love surrounded by others,great joy from the fuifillment of work,the beautiful scenery of nature ...
2278 views|8 replies
Shares I wasn't born yesterday!
2011-8-24 11:32
The following are some some idiomatic expressions of English,most of which are short,but of great fun.Little expressions like these can have a big impact on your English.They really can add to your ability to express yourself accutately and authentically. 1. I wasn't born yesterda ...
2049 views|11 replies
Shares How to translate"我再也不相信爱情了"?
2011-8-19 21:30
It is very popular this days for some guys online to say "我再也不相信爱情了"when they find somepreviously well-matched stars got broken up or split( Yaochen andLing xiaosu,for example).But how to translate this sentence perfectly ?It i ...
2118 views|12 replies Hot 1
Shares Learn English everyday!
2011-8-18 23:54
I am not a man with long term persistence.Though I love English.I treat it as a hobby as well as a lover,I always set it aside ,sometimes because of work and sometimes for entertainment.I feel quite sorry for my laziness andthe lack of sense of discipline.Now I am det ...
947 views|1 replies
Shares Grave accedent —a disaster caused by nature or human beings?
2011-7-25 22:32
Grave accedent —a  disaster caused by nature or human beings?
On July,23th,an grave accident happened at 8pmin Wenzhou,Zhejiang province that one bullet train smashed into a stalled train causing a disatrous collision and subsequent derailment of the later train,which causing confi ...
800 views|3 replies
Shares How much can you understand this passage?--a test of your English
2011-6-19 15:39
The following shabby story is made up by me explorng some of the idioms listed bellow,which tend to be misunderstood by us.Try and find out how much you can get it. I am not a spanish athlete ...
834 views|4 replies
Shares The funniest US drama I have watched!
2011-5-30 16:08
These days I have been watching a famous US TV series— 《The Big Bang Theory》 .It is so much fun that you can't help burst into laughter once you get into it,especially after you have a general idea of the disposition of the characters in the drama.It is really a fabul ...
929 views|4 replies
Shares The most commonly used idoims in America
2011-5-4 23:56
From tonight ,I start collecting some commonly used idioms in American's life,some of which are from the Internet,others from an English learning book.The purpose I do these is for me to have a profound understanding of these idioms as well as provide some lear ...
2251 views|9 replies

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