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Rush years……

665 views. 2010-4-8 22:49 |

Now  think of it about,my cousin has been  married for several months.
She is my sister and is also my classmate.
So we understand each other very well.
Since her last marriage to now, I have never seen her.
I often remember many things which in hometown when we were childlike.
I remember it was in a class!
She often helped me with my bags and I also helped her with her study!
haha~~,she asked me when she encountered problems!
Even though she is odler than me,I felt  like a little girl she was special and especially when she confused!
But it can no longer like before!I miss her!I want to say" Life happiness"!

Post comment Comment (8 replies)

Reply 58864736 2010-4-8 23:03
good sisiter,good classmate.
Reply fengqing 2010-4-8 23:09
Reply rainecho415 2010-4-8 23:34
maybe time can seperate us in distance,but not our hearts,right?
Reply Sharer 2010-4-9 01:55
What a impressive memory! It will be the witness of your friendship.
Reply bluebird 2010-4-9 10:24
Child friendship is the purest.
Reply fengqing 2010-4-9 12:23
Of course, very valuable!
Reply fengqing 2010-4-9 12:25
So I never forget it~~
Reply fengqing 2010-4-9 12:34
yeah,you are right!Our hearts  together......forever!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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