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we should learn from disaster

358 views. 2010-4-15 20:52 |

recently ,natural disaster or manmade hazard hit us unexpectly .  SW China drought, wangjialin coal mine tragedy ,yushu earthquake  seems that we hit by bad luck .but i think all of those can be avoided . please don't think that i am a cold-blooded .i feel uneasy when i heard one after one bad news .  maybe  we should view the issue on the another aspect .  severly drought happen in sw , the weather condition  is the last one to  be blamed . we can see from the TV that in SW , irrigation infrastructure  are out of sight. as a  country with 13B population , food safty should be place on strategic level . but unfortunately , we didn't pay attention untill the problem out of control. countless tragedy can be avoided . wangjialin coal mine accident ,if the employer abide strict principle , the tragedy wouldn't happened .for the reason the our country still a society run by several people no the law . the 7.1-magnitude  earthquake in yushu Qinghai province has left  617 people died .but have u note that ,the death toll in 8.8-magnitude Chile earthquake  is 507.on the contrast ,60 thousand were killed in 8.0-magnitude Wenchuan earthquake .Why ?? most of them were killed by the substandard building !!! pls dont take it grant that buildings are doomed to collapse in earthquake !!!

Post comment Comment (9 replies)

Reply gvalq 2010-4-15 21:37
Yes,What you have said make senses,But it is our thinking style ,we cannot change it at short time.Especially now our government have lost control in many aspects including house,price and so on.
Reply rainecho415 2010-4-15 22:48
Our mother of nature is punishing us for our damaging her health. Maybe when faced with the day of human being's extinction, then can we feel regret what we've done.
Reply Sharer 2010-4-16 01:09
I am sorry the government never spend money on where is badly needed.
Reply maggiemy 2010-4-16 07:56
i am a little scared...
Reply lqy0811 2010-4-16 08:27
maggiemy: i am a little scared...
take it easy
Reply lqy0811 2010-4-16 08:31
Sharer: I am sorry the government never spend money on where is badly needed.
yeah ,but we shouldn't  lose our confidence .it will be better .as chairman Mao said China is in a period of developing state and this situation will last longer than we expected .
Reply lqy0811 2010-4-16 08:39
gvalq: Yes,What you have said make senses,But it is our thinking style ,we cannot change it at short time.Especially now our government have lost control in
yes ,building and waiting for a better world .
Reply lqy0811 2010-4-16 08:43
rainecho415: Our mother of nature is punishing us for our damaging her health. Maybe when faced with the day of human being's extinction, then can we feel regret w
the cost of development .history teach us ,then we become wiser.hope it will not too late.
Reply maggiemy 2010-4-16 11:36
lqy0811: take it easy

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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