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338 views. 2010-4-26 19:39

Afternoon, one of my customer on line and I chatted with him and asked wheather he gets the goods I mailed to him several days ago .He told haven't . His feedback really upsetted me .This is first I mailed the goods to oversea . I was very very careful on every detail ,bec the cost of shipping is very expensive .  I can't afford it . He said i am maybe a cheater .He said that he was cheated twice on Alibaba.  I can understand him. I told him  "Pls trust me ,trust our company ". I don't know what to say, how to express myself . In the end I realize I should ask TNT ,find out  the problem .Bec when I input the tracking No. I can't  track the post too . Fortunately ,they told me that  I shouldn't input the letter before the tracking No. . Finally I found the post ,and they have reached Melbourne. Threatening but no dangerous .

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Reply cl381924577 2010-4-26 22:27
Threatening but no dangerous .You shoud rejoice,why Heart-broken.
Reply lqy0811 2010-4-27 08:02
cl381924577: Threatening but no dangerous .You shoud rejoice,why Heart-broken.
Bec, we chatted like old friend before ,and that customer is an old man 60 ,he said he can be my second dad . so when he suspected me of cheating his money .  I felt heart-broken.
Reply cl381924577 2010-4-28 06:54
lqy0811: Bec, we chatted like old friend before ,and that customer is an old man 60 ,he said he can be my second dad . so when he suspected me of cheating his
eh,It's really make people heart-broken.But forgeet it,it will fade with time.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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