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Your next great presentation from Reader's digest

830 views. 2012-3-6 15:10 |

Have you ever given a presentation .I think that must be yes .But you might be nervers till now ,and be afraid to give another since one bad experience .So there's some advise  as fellows .Five tips are simple but useful .You can remember some advise that you can't do ,then you can do anything things when giving a presentation .

Your next great presentation
Five things not to do .
Don't use powerpoint .
You don't want your presentation to look like everyone else's ,Use Keynote,the Mac software that combines video and images and has great transitions .
Don't use bullet points.
You should be shot for putting stuff in bullet points.Why put text on a slide? You want people looking at you .If you need to give stats , highlight a few things people should remenber ,or put the numbers in a visual context ,such as a pie chart .
Don't be self-effacing(自我轻视的;自我谦逊的).
They came to see you ,the expert, so stand up and be the expert.Be friendly and energetic ,and try to have fun.That means never talk from behind the podium(平台;领奖台;演讲台;颁讲台).It's a brisk wall between you and the audience .
Don't leave out the emotion .
Lots of people want to be carefull and professional when giving a talk .You should not to emote(激动地表达感情 ).Swing your audience's emotioms back and need to say "Here's how bad life is .Here's what it can be .Here's how we get there together ".
Don't bore us with facts.
If you say "I'm going to present 19 slides on the technology we make at Timbuck Widgets,"Nobody cares. Show them how the facts are going to change their lifes.

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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