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Same old .

791 views. 2012-6-1 10:22 |

 Life is going on as the water under the bridge flowing quietly .So ,I haven't been  here for a long time .nothing's changed.I'm  same old too .

Last weekend ,I had bought a new book named The Story Of Helen Keller .Although I haven't started reading it ,but I 'm sure it'll be really a nice book .It's written by all pure english ,and before reading this kind of book .I have read two other books of this kind .one is Gulliver's Travels ,and the other is Fifty Short Stories which was bought from Amazon.The Story Of Helen Keller is really worth buying it ,and only in 12 yuan.

what a pity that I can't find a way to buying some foreign magazines such as the Economic ,Rader's Dgest (Amercian version),plus the newspaper such as the Wall Street Joneral .I only watch them through the e-edition .

Anyway ,I can get some books .

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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