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The value of friendship(友谊的价值)

Hot 21660 views. 2014-8-18 19:02

Friendship is both a source of pleasure and a component of good health. - Ralph Waldo Emerson


People who have close friends naturally enjoy their company. Of equal importance are the emotional benefits they get. When something wonderful happens to us, sharing the happiness of the occasion with friends intensifies our joy.


In times of trouble and tension, when our spirits are low, telling our worries and fears to friends eases the stress. Moreover, we may even get some practical suggestions for solving a particular problem.


Adolescence and old age are the two stages in our lives when the need for friendship is crucial. In the former stage, teens are troubled by uncertainty and mixed feelings. In the latter stage, older people are upset by feelings of uselessness.


In both instances, friends can make a big difference. With close friends in their lives, people develop courage and positive attitudes. Teenagers have the moral support to assert their individuality. The elderly approach their advanced years with optimism and an interest in life. A positive outlook is vital to dealing successfully with the crises in these two stages of life.


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Reply xingyue 2014-8-18 21:00
Yeah, friends play an important role in daily life. As it said, "teens are troubled by uncertainty and mixed feelings", so one feels at sea sometimes.  In most cases, I'm likely to share sorrows and happiness with friends rather than parents. In a word, friendship is crucial.
Reply super007 2014-8-18 23:49
This article is a good one, not only the rhetoric,but also the meaning of this article.It tells us how to treat our friends better,how to deal with our friendship better!
Reply liuli 2014-8-19 11:06
xingyue: Yeah, friends play an important role in daily life. As it said, "teens are troubled by uncertainty and mixed feelings", so one feels at sea  ...
me too,i always share happiness with my friends too and seldom told my sorrow to my parents.
Reply liuli 2014-8-19 11:07
super007: This article is a good one, not only the rhetoric,but also the meaning of this article.It tells us how to treat our friends better,how to deal with ou ...
yes,i'd like to share good article with you tell us that we should cherish our friendship forever
Reply liuli 2014-8-19 11:08
super007: This article is a good one, not only the rhetoric,but also the meaning of this article.It tells us how to treat our friends better,how to deal with ou ...
yes,i'd like to share good article with you tell us that we should cherish our friendship forever
Reply liuli 2014-8-19 11:08
super007: This article is a good one, not only the rhetoric,but also the meaning of this article.It tells us how to treat our friends better,how to deal with ou ...
yes,i'd like to share good article with you tell us that we should cherish our friendship forever

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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