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In this day(就在今天)

Hot 21711 views. 2014-9-6 16:38

In this day, I choose living not just for the sake of passing time. I choose to take advantage of the milliseconds between my breath and my sigh.


In this day, I will make up for time lost by living between my thoughts and my actions. I will live up to my potential, which through God's Grace is unlimited.


In this day, I will help someone else find the greatest gift of all, while we spend our lives in pursuit of success and happiness.


In this day, I will acknowledge that I am a magnificent creation capable of the greatest accomplishments. I am one of a kind. Never before in the history of human existence and never again will there be another me.


In this day, I will celebrate as if it was my birthday. I will treasure the sunrise and save the light in my hand for darkened days. I will taste the reds and yellows of the flowers and bathe in the blues and greens of the sky and grass.


In this day, I know that I am important.


Post comment Comment (4 replies)

Reply kyle2012 2014-9-6 23:04
fair enough ! " In this day, i choose living not just for sake of passing time. i choose to take full of advantage the milliseconds between my breath and sigh"
Reply Nikkii 2014-9-6 23:18
Never before in the history of human existence and never again will there be another me.these words encouraged me a lot.Recently I'm regret of some thing, I always think I'm not good enough.But I forgot how important "unique"is.Thank you!
Reply liuli 2014-9-9 17:14
kyle2012: fair enough ! " In this day, i choose living not just for sake of passing time. i choose to take full of advantage the milliseconds between my br ...
Reply liuli 2014-9-9 17:15
Nikkii: Never before in the history of human existence and never again will there be another me.these words encouraged me a lot.Recently I'm regret of some th ...
you are good enough,believe in yourself you will fly high

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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