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What kind of traveling do you prefer?

1340 views. 2010-9-28 12:03 |

Tourism is booming across the country. With more and more places exploited as tourist attractions or listed as World Heritage sites, however, it is becoming increasingly commercialized and has formulated into a new industry.
But that goes quite opposite to the notion of touring around in many people's eyes.And they have good reasons.Sightseeing, especially for appreciating the scenery and savouring the cultural relics, is supposed to be an individual activity without so many people around. Yet the commercialization of those places of interest makes those desire complete illusions. 
What does the commercialization do? Quite obvious. It attracts tourists, tons of them,  and causes crowds and congestion; it attracts vendors, selling goods as souvenirs, many of whom are poor in quality and high in price; it earns money and claims that much of it is devoted to the protection of the environment; Above all, it ruins the natural atmosphere of the place and sightseeing itself.
On the other hand, commercializing of tourist attractions is inevitable.With the ever expansion of people's spiritual demands, more will choose to travel and in return more will cater to their needs.If those spots are not commericialized and walled, then it cannot afford such an overwhelming visits of tourists.Many popular sites may be ruined very quickly under tens of thousands of stamps per day from the enthusiastic visitors.
But as for me, maybe due to my quiet and introverted disposition, I prefer places with fewer visitors and tranquil environment. I really don't fancy the idea of sightseeing by hurrying from one site to another, pushed by crowds and annoyed by the hawking of the vendors that is loud enough to wake the dead.
I believe touring is all about aura and a good state of mind. Too much commercial exploitation may just ruin that sense of tranquilty and give people nerves instead of relaxation.

Post comment Comment (3 replies)

Reply ly.identity 2010-9-28 15:23
I remember when I was in high school, the teacher said to us with following words:"河源的万绿湖 is a fantastic place, but, I have a suggestion, to visit it before it has been adverstised too much to lose its beauties."
Reply rjjean 2010-10-16 18:24
it seems commercialization is a trend in the future in most of fields. i cannot imagine what will the world become. it is terrible~
Reply chenxiuhua 2010-11-2 09:42
it is pointed out sharply that cater to their needs

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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