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Shares Chat Mate Wanted
2014-7-24 18:56
Wanted Position: English chat mate Gender: Female preferred Age: 18-25 & ...
1015 views|6 replies Hot 2
Shares The truth about IELTS and its training organisations
2011-7-9 10:17
My dear readers, if you wanna take the IELTS examination and attempt to sign up the IELTS courses from an Englishtraining organization, then you'd better be aware of the following facts. 1. Don't you expect too much from a training organization, if the course extends s ...
1120 views|6 replies
Shares The real process is about to begin
2011-7-9 09:39
Well, I've been absent from here for a while. I even forgot my password when I triedto log in. Things have been developing, slowly but irreversibly, during the past few months(half a year actually). Now I amgoing to the UK soon.Tomorrow Iwillhop on the train to GZ a ...
Individual Classification: diary|1026 views|2 replies
Shares Learn to enjoy your solitude
2010-10-19 22:00
Learn to enjoy your solitude
My home is5 minutes away froma lakeside park. It's surrounded by green trees and lawns, decorated with full blossom of all kinds of flowers and perfumed with their fragrance every spring of the year. People do jogging and angling alongside the lake, practise shadow boxing and aerobics ...
1440 views|5 replies
Shares What kind of traveling do you prefer?
2010-9-28 12:03
Tourism is booming across the country. With more and more places exploited as tourist attractions or listed as World Heritage sites,however,itis becoming increasingly commercialized and has formulated into anew industry. But that goes quite opposite to the notion of touri ...
1375 views|3 replies
Shares You got me
2010-9-10 08:18
You got me
It turns out that my hunch is right. Yet it still caught me by surprise. Theaverage score 7.5 is not that bad, though I expected it to be higher.The only problem is that I got 6 in the oral part. This is an inacceptable score since most of the graduate schools demand a score over 6 ...
Individual Classification: diary|1054 views|15 replies
Shares Seriously, why do we need a car?
2010-8-25 22:00
Seriously, why do we need a car?
For many Chinese people, owninga car isstillan importantgauge for telling whether they havemet the standard ofa well-off family and acar owner is always associated with a decent white-collar job, a handsome salary and a high social status.And the car itself ...
594 views|5 replies
Shares Draw your sword out!
2010-8-19 17:07
Draw your sword out!
Scrolling through numerous web pages these days, I finally find something interesting to talk about. It's a survey with the question The reason why I refer to it as 'interesting' is that its resultcaught me by utter surprise. 73 percent of the netizens surv ...
605 views|1 replies
Shares Higher price, same speed?
2010-8-11 11:16
Higher price, same speed?
In many cities, the high speed rail way begins forcing its way into people's alternatives of transportation. Intitially thenews ofreplacing the "intercity railway" between Shanghai and Ningbowith high speed railway was advocated by the government, broadcast broadly and fa ...
652 views|8 replies
Shares What makes you feel uneasy to wait for a few more seconds?
2010-8-10 10:09
What makes you feel uneasy to wait for a few more seconds?
Some say China has the most frightening traffic in the world, though the traffic disorder is common among developing countries. Personally I have no objection to this claim. But before we start critising someone, we shouldtake a closer look athow and why this is happening. ...
1176 views|8 replies

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