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even the best...

1313 views. 2011-9-22 21:17

even the best ting will be worng,make us angry and lose passion.we need take care about our mind,keep a distance, form heaven to hell just by a little change.while,i want to say everying happen in his way,which not equal that we are waiting for from start to the talk about our mentality.the bravest man is not get the top of mout,but smile to your failure.

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Reply snowflying 2011-9-22 21:23
frankly speaking,my friend. when i read once again for the second time about your this short section, i feel you have been in your poem still, i feel this article prefer to like a abstract picture. i feel no exact meaning ,maybe my understanding ability so so so poor, your "special" ability so so so strong, a "special" beauty.whether when the bell ting,someone on the way?
Reply MRyang 2011-9-22 21:35
snowflying: frankly speaking,my friend. when i read once again for the second time about your this short section, i feel you have been in your poem still, i feel
i am sorry to send you in a mess situation=o=,while,what i want to disply is very simple.those one can calm down themselves to deal with the things whatever bad or to say,like a chinese poem.行到水穷处,坐看云起时。阴阳两相易,悲喜不乱心。
Reply climbto30000ft 2011-9-22 23:47
calm down,come on and you can make better
Reply 逍遥飞吧 2011-9-23 07:18
"when happy thing happen to you,you should smile.but while the serious thing happen to you ,you should smile later ."l think this word can annotate  you little work.
Reply snowflying 2011-9-23 07:39
MRyang: i am sorry to send you in a mess situation=o=,while,what i want to disply is very simple.those one can calm down themselves to deal with the things wh
wow,what a peaceful soul you have!my riend. look flowers bloosing and flading ,browse cloud rolling up and stretching, with a calm heart having no pleasure or sorrow at the cooler autumn gradually.(赏花开花落,望云卷云舒,秋渐凉时,无喜无忧!) you are really a "special" guy at your age,that's not easy to reach in most campus persons.
Reply MRyang 2011-9-23 21:47
climbto30000ft: calm down,come on and you can make better
Reply MRyang 2011-9-23 21:48
逍遥飞吧: "when happy thing happen to you,you should smile.but while the serious thing happen to you ,you should smile later ."l think this word can a
oh,your nice words~
Reply MRyang 2011-9-23 21:51
snowflying: wow,what a peaceful soul you have!my riend. look flowers bloosing and flading ,browse cloud rolling up and stretching, with a calm heart having no ple
...actually,i am not special when it comes it others,just specialy to,when you talk about"spcial"which in your way may make me some of press~
Reply 异物 2011-9-24 03:58
Calm is the virtue of the strong.
Reply MRyang 2011-9-24 17:51
异物: Calm is the virtue of the strong.
you are right.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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