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please be crazy

1174 views. 2011-10-6 23:22 |

there is someting in the world,well,sometimes you even think you come form for them,then you will ignor anyone else just to fit them and change yourself if possbile.however,what these buddy to do while they dont get them?lead a life write by rules or called a peaceful life?then waiting till time wasting in every uncrazy monment?
today,Jobs lelf us.
he said,death is anther invention.the death stop his crazy life,but the life of "crazy" need hand by others,and much shining,which really make sense.
we dont scare death when our life dancing with our crazy,with our perpect moment.
just to be yourself even like a crazyer,why we try to please others?
if we cant make up minds,then we away form "Jobs" step by step.
please be crazy,are you sure?

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Reply snowflying 2011-10-7 12:37
great mind, be crazy?! maybe we should be like so sometimes. i think of a say, a person came to this world crying himself, but people all around him laugh, a person left away from the world smiling himself ,but all around of him cry.

crazy world? maybe
Reply Jessico 2011-10-7 14:40
Actually in my view, different people have different life style. We couldn't completely imitate others' ways. Try to find our own advantages and didvantages. Listen to and learn from others, then compare which we could borrow and fit our own
Reply MRyang 2011-10-7 23:06
Jessico: Actually in my view, different people have different life style. We couldn't completely imitate others' ways. Try to find our own advantages and didva
we need appreciate others life style,like you said,if everyone were Jobs,that really called crazy world,impoissble.but,we may feel sorry somebody lost his chance to be a talent like Jobs.these men are few in the world but chance the world.
Reply MRyang 2011-10-7 23:12
snowflying: great mind, be crazy?! maybe we should be like so sometimes. i think of a say, a person came to this world crying himself, but people all around him l
how to espress the word of "crazy"?myabe everyone has his side.while,from my part,is to be a 100%yourself.sometimes we even cant konw about ourselives then how to say make a special life?while...special..not make a bid bomb in world,just can please yourself..
Reply snowflying 2011-10-8 07:38
MRyang: how to espress the word of "crazy"?myabe everyone has his side.while,from my part,is to be a 100%yourself.sometimes we even cant konw about
aha,mryang,may i call you like this? i guess your family name maybe is "yang".  just yourself metioned the word suitable to you this time, special? no ,no ,no, in afct, each one in the world is only, not to be copied. but not each one can make theirself done well as theirselves's will, because many sicial and other side's limited.but we should keep our "crazy"dream always there. myselif's understanding ,hehe
Reply MRyang 2011-10-8 21:07
snowflying: aha,mryang,may i call you like this? i guess your family name maybe is "yang".  just yourself metioned the word suitable to you this time, s
you are comprehensive~
Reply ly.identity 2011-10-9 17:42
snowflying: great mind, be crazy?! maybe we should be like so sometimes. i think of a say, a person came to this world crying himself, but people all around him l
"When you were born, you were crying and everyone was smiling. Live your life, so that when you die, you are the one who's smiling and everyone around you is crying."
Reply snowflying 2011-10-9 19:04
ly.identity: "When you were born, you were crying and everyone was smiling. Live your life, so that when you die, you are the one who's smiling and everyone a
yingying, surely right, i just this meaning, but my poor english always so so,ahaha
Reply MRyang 2011-10-9 22:32
snowflying: yingying, surely right, i just this meaning, but my poor english always so so,ahaha
好吧,我就来中文翻译,两位。哭着面对笑迎你的人,笑着面对哀悼你的人。you cry others smile at start,and you simle others cry at the seems how?
Reply snowflying 2011-10-10 07:33
MRyang: 好吧,我就来中文翻译,两位。哭着面对笑迎你的人,笑着面对哀悼你的人。you cry others smile at start,and you simle others cry at the seems how?
Reply ly.identity 2011-10-10 15:37
snowflying: yingying, surely right, i just this meaning, but my poor english always so so,ahaha
I just recited this passage days before and your comments reminds me of them. I don't mean to be rude.
Reply 异物 2011-10-11 22:37
"please be crazy"

I already am.
Reply MRyang 2011-10-12 20:38
异物: "please be crazy"

I already am.
everyone that
Reply MRyang 2011-10-12 20:44
snowflying: 好像你的中文翻译不太对路吧,莹莹不是这个意思吧? poor english
Reply snowflying 2011-10-13 07:45
MRyang: poor english
Reply faylv 2011-11-20 09:19
yes, sometime we need do like this, or we will regret, chance is short for everyone and everytime.
Reply MRyang 2011-11-20 23:42
faylv: yes, sometime we need do like this, or we will regret, chance is short for everyone and everytime.
get your chance~!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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