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After graduating from my university

1335 views. 2011-8-30 23:20 |

     There is a famous motto everyones' familiar with"  A thousand miles of success begins with a single steps" . It's impressed me. when i was a student at my college, I deeply understood the moral ideal. 
As a only boy in a poor family,  there is always an ideal profoundly rooted in our traditional  notion , that if you would like to aspire a great and decent life, you have to toil for it, that's only the life itself. To a big degree, it seems that you have to pursuit a happy life for youself in future.   For this prospective address. we must have to say that we have done lots of for pursuiting our delighted life .
      Looking back around at my university  life , i admit that i spend most of my time in studying courses . i cann't help recalling that difficult time when i had to early get up around 05:30 every morning, reading english and writing  in boulevard of our university, just as said by my teacher , that As a sudent whose major is english, you have to make your effort twice than other discipline students........     During this time, i didn't know what my teacher instructed, but i  knew i left in here just for happiness due to my love for reading and writing literature , especially for classical literature between china and west,  as well as my love for language of english,,,.. work hard again and again..
       Since my graduation from my university ,,,, in face of hunting an ideal job and pursuiting what you really want to forward  and the value of your life, i hesitated and found that happiness was always my goal in my life. So i quited my job and later successfully jointed WenZhou Daily as a Magazine editor and a press journelist ....
       Later one half an year, i left there and came to ShangHai on Oct 5 ,2010.   It's my favorite that constantly give my -self a challenge and persist until success..  If you would like to ask what you are looking
for, i will tell you :  happiness.    , 

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Reply mylife 2011-10-1 01:55
I see a person who is on the way of persuiting happiness, he makes his effort and gain the challenge and success.
My major is english too, but as an English teacher in a primary school, my English is so poor now.It's good chance to learn from you.
Wish you success and happiness constantly in life.
Reply fatty 2011-10-1 09:51
Wow, good guy, just keep going, you will get the happiness before long. And you make me think of a film-The Pursuit of Happiness, if you haven't see the film, I recommend it to you.
Reply COLMAN 2012-2-2 08:45
fatty: Wow, good guy, just keep going, you will get the happiness before long. And you make me think of a film-The Pursuit of Happiness, if you haven't see t
Sorry for my late reply, Happy new year !
Thank you very much for your kind greeting and recommendation, yeah, i have seen this film three years ago.and it's really impressed me a lot for the aspiration and spirit of hero... HAHA...

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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