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the weight of life

774 views. 2010-12-2 11:40 |

To add some weight to your life.

I firstly knew this term from the tv drama depicting soldiers life, in Chinese 士兵突击. For some reason, this expression impressed me. Since then, I was subconsciously looking for experiences that could add weight to my life.

I am almost 32, own my own apartment, car in beijing. I also have lovely wife and new-born son. Work and family life are very smooth to me. But from season I'm feeling the lightness of life. although I never read the famous book about the lightness of life, the concept just haunts in my mind.

like many men in 30's, I don't have ambitious career plan, content with current life, but still feel uneasy about future. sometimes I even miss the school times where strict teacher would swear at you, but all with good intentions.

my living is light. I need to cool down, but I cannot finish this process all by myself. It's like you cannot cut your own flush and get out the cancer.

Fortunately, and sadly, someone taught me a lesson.

I was detained, and facing a 7-day custody. Hope this experience will drive me find my form for life.   

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Post comment Comment (3 replies)

Reply samscri 2011-11-19 03:14
No one's life is light, it's just you've lost your interest in it...
Reply everlast 2011-12-7 14:55
samscri: No one's life is light, it's just you've lost your interest in it...
thanks, agree. what's your suggestion then.
Reply samscri 2011-12-10 01:27
I don't know your deep get rid of your life, or your family......But whatever you decide, first, you should know you're not yourself any more...You have a family...

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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