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  • Am I too old? The music I listen seems not favored by friends. Because of this, I feel lonely. Fine, no way out. Reply
  • To change mindset is very difficult. Sometimes my mind is so uncomfortable to accept a fact. For instance, I'm still unwilling to believe I might be able to do the things I succeeded in years ago. Reply
  • I need to be constantly reminded by myself, if I don't fight for today, if I keep livin like a loser, I'll be looked down upon, far away by school time acquantances. Reply
  • Bye the sorrow of failure with a shout of "Fuck!" Reply
  • Everything I do, I do it good. Reply
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life 2011-11-18
I didn't know what happened the other night. I kissed the girl that I had a crush for. I know she likes me too. I know there's something I've been lo ...
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Oct. 24 2011-10-24
Life is full of tempatations, some of which lead to enjoyment, and others result in sufferings. Don't fall in traps my dear friends. This is ...
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oct 23 2011-10-23
It is very interesting that an article I read yesterday says thoughts are just a form of energy that mind constantly make. It's only your interest an ...
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We're the friend of our selvies 2011-07-02
Is it true that some of us have our hearts wrapped up by something so hard that it makes it us less sensitve to truth of our live ...
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the weight of life 2010-12-02
To add some weight to your life. I firstly knew this term from the tv drama depicting soldiers life, in Chinese 士兵突击. For some reason, this e ...
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littlegrass 2010-8-15 11:25
Offer our sincerest and profoundest condolences to the victims as the disastrous debris flow and the best regards and expectations to the alive!
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